NCAT Disputes

ncat disputes

What Sort Of Disputes Go To NCAT?

The New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) deals with a broad and diverse range of cases. From consumer claims to home building defects and construction claims, tenancy, retail lease, and retirement village claims. Disputes involving builders and tradespersons. Even claims for dividing fences (often a cause of bitter disputes among neighbours), and motor vehicle claims.

NCAT is an independent body that resolves disputes and issues enforceable orders. Resolving disputes may involve mediation, conciliation, case conferences or hearings. NCAT however is unable to provide legal advice or to assist one party in a way that would give them an advantage over another party.

Get Expert Legal Advice

While NCAT may be a great option for you if you have a simple issue, if your situation is more complex, it makes good sense to get expert legal advice before your dispute goes to NCAT—and to choose a legal firm that is experienced in appearing for clients there, on your type of dispute. For example, you may require a civil lawyer if your issue is to do with housing, such as a building dispute in NSW.

Office Of Fair Trading

The Office of Fair Trading provides practical information to help consumers with a variety of services, including Fair Trading complaints. Check to see if they have information that could help you resolve your particular complaint. That may be all you need.

If your complaint requires legal advice, make sure you contact a legal firm that is highly experienced in dealing with complaints of that type, and can advise you on the best course of action. It is best to act promptly as it is not advantageous to become embroiled in a dispute that becomes worse as a result of not seeking an expert lawyer.

DIY Disputes May Have Consequences

Many disputes people face may seem simple, and it could be tempting for them to try to handle their dispute themselves. On a good day, they could have an outcome that suits both parties. However, it could be beneficial to get some legal advice, to make sure that the outcome doesn’t favour the other party at your expense. The old saying, “Don’t shut the stable door after the horse has bolted” is as true these days as it was when it first appeared in 1390.

Whether you have a dispute through NCAT, or a complaint through the Office of Fair Trading, be prepared by getting the best legal advice you can. You want a successful outcome, and if that requires legal representation to ensure you are not disadvantaged, engage an expert legal firm that has years of experience.

Contact Buckley Lawyers now, for advice on resolving your dispute through NCAT or your complaint with the Office of Fair Trading —and your peace of mind.

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