How do I formalise my property settlement agreement?


In Australia, you may formalise your property settlement agreement in the following two ways:

1.By way of Consent Orders:

You and your former partner may ask the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia to formalise the agreement and make legally binding court orders.The Court will consider whether the agreement you and your former partner have reached are within the permissible range of what is a just and equitable division of the asset pool.Once the Court Orders are approved, the Court will issue you with sealed consent orders that are now binding and enforceable upon the parties.

2.By way of Financial Agreement :

You and your former partner may formalise your agreement by way of financial agreement.Financial agreements are essentially a contract between you and your former partner that is drafted and signed outside of Court.Financial agreements are not required to be within the permissible range of what the Court will consider a just and equitable division.Each party must have received independent legal advice for the agreement to be binding.

The Buckley Lawyers team has a comprehensive understanding of the Family Law Act and extensive experience in drafting Consent Orders and Binding Financial Agreements.

As experienced property settlement lawyers in Sydney, we can help you formalise your property settlement.

If you have any questions or would like advice regarding your property settlement, contact Buckley Lawyers today on (02) 9220 1737 or visit our website on

By Mohammed El-Harris.

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