Litigation And Dispute Resolution

litigation or dispute

Litigation Or Dispute Resolution? Which Is Right For You?

The word ‘litigation’ can cause someone a huge amount of stress and anxiety if they are involved in a serious legal dispute. The thought of being taken to court is bad enough, but coupled with the fear that they could lose the case—and a significant amount of money—is enough to make anybody deeply concerned.

If you are in that situation, you want the best legal people who can advise you of your options, and perhaps try to resolve the dispute before it reaches court. It helps if you make contact with an experienced legal firm as soon as you are notified of litigation against you. And even though you may still worry about the outcome, having an expert lawyer on your case can take a huge weight off your mind.

If you want to enforce your legal rights against a person or a company, or receive compensation or damages, or have a course of action instigated to rectify a situation, then you need lawyers who are experienced in contract law, and who can successfully represent you in court, or resolve the dispute by mediation or dispute resolution. It is advantageous to have lawyers who can handle both commercial and civil litigation issues.

Legal disputes often arise when there is a breach of contract, or if any party involved in a contract disagrees with any of the terms or conditions of that contract.

Dispute Resolution Options

There are several options that can help you resolve a dispute without it going to litigation.

Collaborative Practice

In this dispute resolution process, both clients and their lawyers enter into a Participation Agreement to constructively negotiate a successful outcome.


This is a structured process where an independent mediator assists both parties to come to a mutual agreement. It is a good alternative to disputes that end up in court, and a far less stressful one.

Your Lawyer Can Advise You

No matter what type of dispute you have, every case is different, and needs to be assessed and managed on the facts. Your lawyer can advise you of the best way to achieve your desired outcome. And if it results in litigation, your lawyer should have access to highly experienced litigation barristers who can represent you in all courts throughout New South Wales and interstate.

Should the threat of litigation arise, or if you need to take action against an individual or a company, you need a firm of lawyers with the right experience and the ability to advise you on the best course of action to achieve your desired outcome.

Contact Buckley Lawyers now, for advice on litigation and dispute resolution—and your peace of mind.

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