
Consent Orders Lawyer Sydney

For ex-partners going through a separation, Consent Orders are the recommended method for dividing property and finances, especially if you wish to avoid court proceedings.

To learn more about Consent Orders in Sydney, read the information below or contact Buckley Lawyers for tailored advice and services. Our team can draft Consent Orders on your behalf, negotiate the terms of consent orders with your ex-partner and their legal representatives, and assist you in filing a Consent Order to create a legally binding court order.

What Are Consent Orders and How to File for a Consent Order in Sydney?

A consent order is an agreement that you draft, negotiate, and agree to alongside your ex-partner with the help of your legal representative. Consent orders can cover the division of property you own together, as well as addressing ongoing financial commitments. Property includes not just the family house, but other real estate, as well as shares, cars, cash, jewellery, superannuation, business interests, and more.

To file a consent order in Sydney, both parties must:

  • Draft, negotiate, and finalise Consent Order(s)
  • Complete and Sign the Application for Consent Orders Form
  • Sign affidavits
  • File the application with the Family Court of Australia (either online or at the Registry) and pay the filing fee

Following this, the Registrar will review the application. Once they are satisfied that it is fair, the Consent Order will become a Court Order that is legally binding and enforceable. Signed and sealed copies of the Orders will be sent to you. Consent Orders that are not accepted by the court will be sent to you with details explaining what you need to do next.

If property settlement matters can’t be agreed to by all parties (including the court) via a consent order, you may be required to attend a court hearing.

Why Buckley Lawyers for Consent Orders in Sydney?

A Consent Order that is approved by the Family Court holds as much authority as a Court Order that is finalised following a hearing. The difference is that you don’t need to go through stressful and costly court hearings if you can successfully negotiate Consent Orders in Sydney.

Buckley Lawyers has years of experience drafting and negotiating Consent Orders that represent your best interests and keep your matter out of court. We can help you finalise and file Consent Orders in Sydney that will be approved by the Family Court Registrar and made legally binding. If your matter does proceed to court, Buckley Lawyers will use our expertise to represent you.

To ensure fair and equitable outcomes following a separation or divorce, contact our team today.

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